What if the Internet was 3D and Collaborative?
PLAN 3D (alpha) Demonstration

PLAN is an open source software platform being developed for spatial collaboration and community resiliency applications. The featured video is a demonstration of the PLAN 3D (alpha) client interface, featuring highlights of the user experience and capabilities being developed. Sponsor the development of PLAN and get early access to PLAN 3D (alpha) on Mac, Windows, Android, and coming soon to iOS.
Access PLAN 3D (alpha) with a donation to PLAN Systems here: https://www.plan-systems.org/gear/plan3d/
Features of PLAN:
– Visualize and interact in 3D spaces and environments
– Place 3D terrain, designer environments, or 3D models & glyphs at any location in a Space
– Make 3D glyphs interactive by adding Links and Channel functionality
– Spatial Linking! Easily “Add a Link” to any webpage, meet up in channels and collaborate in Spaces
– Arrange and view multiple interface windows … Multi-tasking Tabs snap to any edge
– Design and customize 3D environments … move, scale, and rotate 3D models and glyphs
– Change the skybox backdrop from cosmic, abstract, to 360 images
– Browse the web from Links in your 3D Spaces! Includes an ultra-simple 2D web browser
– A Space Channel lets you dive into Spaces within Spaces and explore content
– A Talk Channel lets you leave a simple message in a simple chat interface
– A Sheets Channel lets you create a simple 4×100 table of information
– Automatically connects to the default PLAN community and content library
Contact orders@plan-systems.org for a demo, sponsorship info, or service requests. PLAN Systems is a non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to education, science, and economic development.
PLAN 3D film & content produced and directed by PLAN Systems, music by Drrtywulvz. Special thanks to:
Drew O’Meara, PLAN Chief Architect
ArtIsInFormation, Film & Multimedia Production
Drrtywulvz, Sappy Yappy (music & sound engineering)
Randi J. Stephan, Film & Production Design
Indra’s Awarehouse, Austin Studio Location
Angel Robinson, Solarpunk Summit Founder
Derek Mobley, Demo & Set Assistant
Keagan Watson, 3D Logo Design
SoundSpectrum, Visualization Engine
The workstation featured in the video is the “PLAN-C3AV,” a mobile, road-ready, and customizable workstation system curated & assembled by PLAN Systems for deployable off-grid capable communications, spatial planning, and audio-visual productions.
Whether running an interactive classroom, remote operations in the field, or powering a live streaming production, PLAN Systems can help build an integrated solution for your organization or collaborative production. Along with developing software, we curate, package, and deploy the latest computing, A/V production, power components, and network connectivity capabilities all within mobile container and workstation solutions.
C3AV Workstation – https://plan-systems.org/gear/c3av
Propose a Project: https://www.plan-systems.org/proposal/
PLAN Systems – Technology 501(c)(3)
Developing tools for science & education, humanitarians, organization management, and digital instruments that enable realtime collaboration. Sponsors and Partners in development are welcome and essential.
PLAN 3D (alpha) demonstration: https://vimeo.com/558759492
Homepage: https://plan-systems.org
Why PLAN? https://www.plan-systems.org/charitable-purpose-faq/
Music by Drrtywulvz, Song: Sappy Yappy: https://www.beatport.com/artist/will-konitzer/155605
Get the Album – Nest of the Falcon: