PLAN distributed systems

10 Design Principles for Future Technology Systems

b.dwallPLAN Technology

So many organizations out there are looking for quality solutions for productivity and collaboration to scale their efforts; from CRM, project management, to information visualization tools generally. But quality systems don’t just happen on accident, and quality often means different things to different people. So what should we expect from future technology systems? How should they be built and evaluated? Having a framework, or a set of design principles can help guide the way. To answer this need for accessibility-minded, …

PLAN Systems Community Technology Tools

The Web is Broken – Community Technology is the Answer

b.dwallPLAN Community

The World Wide Web is broken. That’s not just my opinion, it’s the sentiment from veteran inventor Sir. Tim Burners Lee, by all accounts the progenitor of the original internet protocols (think HTML). Recently, in a VF interview with Katrina Brooker, TBL is quoted saying “We demonstrated that the Web had failed instead of served humanity, as it was supposed to have done, and failed in many places,” and that with the increasing centralization of the web “ended up producing—with …